Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Turkson. | Provided Photo.

A Lake County sheriff’s deputy wrote a note about how it is important to be kind to one another after he had a heartfelt moment with a single mother who he pulled over.

The note was written by Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Turkson and published on the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.

Turkson said he conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle last week and the driver applied her brakes, impeding traffic and failing to use her turn signal.

Turkson said he made contact with the female driver and her son, who was in the passenger seat.

He explained her violations and she began to explain how bad her day, last two weeks and even longer through the past two years had been for her.

“As a deputy, I have a lot of people come up with clever ways to get out of tickets but this lady seemed different,” Turkson said.

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“She started venting to me about her day, how she’s a single mother trying to make ends meet with no help and she’s tired,” he said.

Turkson said that at that point he knew that she just needed someone to listen to her as she vented. “I did just that, uninterrupted for approximately 10 minutes.”

At the end of her venting and in tears, she told the deputy, “Thank you for listening, you helped me through a breakdown.”

Turkson said he was astonished because he didn’t think he did much but to her — him listening and not interrupting her as she vented was something she wasn’t accustomed to.

“Needless to say, she didn’t get those two citations LOL… but being able to be there for her was far worth more than writing her citations,” he said.

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“If you don’t take anything from this post, please take this: people are going through ALOT, be kind to one another and listen, it’s free and it doesn’t cost you anything to be kind and show love!” Turkson added.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office said this is just one of many examples of how their personnel genuinely care about the public they serve.