Police received multiple reports of subjects attempting to, and in some cases successfully, burglarize unlocked motor vehicles at residential areas in the northeast region of Cary early Thursday morning. | Photo: Cary Police Department

Police are warning residents after they received multiple reports of subjects attempting to enter motor vehicles Thursday morning in residential areas in Cary and Crystal Lake.

The incidents occurred in residential areas in the northeast region of Cary as well as neighboring towns.

In some cases, the subjects were able to successfully enter unlocked motor vehicles and a vehicle was stolen from a driveway of a residence in the same area, Cary Deputy Police Chief Scott Naydenoff said.

That vehicle was used to commit similar crimes in Cary and in neighboring towns.

The Cary Police Department reminds residents to lock their vehicles and avoid leaving valuable items in plain sight.

Newer vehicles may not lock if there is a spare key inside the vehicle.

No vehicle should be kept unlocked with a key inside.

These are usually crimes of opportunity, Naydenoff said, and in the majority of cases, offenders will bypass a locked vehicle and attempt to find an unlocked vehicle.

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Residents should report suspicious activity by calling 911 and providing the location, description and direction of travel of the individual or vehicle.

Residents should not attempt to confront these individuals on their own, Naydenoff added.

The Crystal Lake Police Department shared a Ring video on social media which showed subjects attempting to enter locked vehicles in a driveway of a home at around 5:30 a.m. Thursday.

“We remind everyone, as these residents did, please remember to lock your vehicles and remove your belongings,” Crystal Lake police said.