Posted inLocal News

Drunk driver struck sheriff’s squad, leading to brief pursuit in Beach Park, officials say

A 33-year-old man was charged with DUI after he sideswiped a Lake County sheriff’s squad car in Beach Park, leading to a brief chase Saturday, police said. Oronday Gardner, 33, of the 1400 block of Jackson Street in North Chicago, was charged with aggravated driving under the influence, driving under the influence of alcohol, aggravated […]

Posted inLocal News

Sheriff’s deputy arrests fleeing drunk driver who struck his squad car head-on near Antioch

A Lake County sheriff’s deputy was struck head-on by a drunk driver, who fled the scene on foot but was arrested by the injured sheriff’s deputy who managed to free himself from the wreckage and chase the man, officials said. Carlos R. Perez-Cordero, 24, of the 38300 block of North 3rd Avenue in unincorporated Spring […]