This area provides transparent information about Lake and McHenry County Scanner, its editorial processes and how Lake and McHenry County Scanner strives for creating trustworthy news.
Lake and McHenry County Scanner is registered in Illinois and owned by SJB Business Solutions, Inc. We were founded in 2012 by Sam Borcia, who is the current CEO/Publisher/Editor of Lake and McHenry County Scanner as well as the President of SJB Business Solutions, Inc.
Lake and McHenry County Scanner newsgathering is independent of commercial or political interests.
We are an independent, private company funded entirely by revenue generated from advertising and other partnerships as a result of our large readership.
Lake and McHenry County Scanner does not accept gifts, including paid travel, to avoid any conflict-of-interest or appearance thereof. When we rely on an organization for a product or access to an event, we are transparent about the relationship and note it within the relevant work.
Lake and McHenry County Scanner contributors are not directly exposed to advertisers. When contributors are solicited to produce sponsored content for advertisers, we label the relevant content as “sponsored content.”